

Undergraduate Courses

Graduate Courses



ACS Student Chapter mentor 2012 - present

Awarded Green Chemistry Chapter status 3 years running

NESACS Norris Richards Undergraduate Research Summer Scholarship Committee Chair 2010 - 2022

NESACS Connections In Chemistry 2011 & 2013

"Artificial Photosynthesis - A Workshop in Solar Cell Design"

The Northeastern Section of the American Chemical Society and the Education Committee of the Northeastern Section invites high school chemistry teachers to a program to connect with the numerous education resources available from the ACS.

Burlington High School, Burlington MA, October 16th, 2013.

Burlington High School, Burlington MA, October 24th, 2011.

Boston Energy in Science Program Fall 2012

Energy 597 - Integrating Sciences Through Energy"

Team thought concepts of energy and pedagogy to a class of K-12 teachers 3 hrs/week

UMass Boston, Sept. 11th - Dec. 11th, 2012.

NESACS Education Night 2011

Discussion leader for panel on renewable energy "Towards a renewable energy future"

915th Meeting of the North Eastern Section of the American Chemical Society, Tufts Univeresity, Boston, Massachusetts, July 17th, 2011.